Koh Kong: Heavy rains brought by the effects of Typhon Kompasu have prompted flooding in Khemarak Phoumin and other districts of Koh Kong. The main roads and some homes in the area have been swamped. Mayor Chheng Sovannda says he’s concerned about rising water levels but believes they will start to recede soon.
The mayor says the flooding has been made worse by people blocking the local canal with garbage. He has since instructed village and commune chiefs to inspect and unblock the area’s waterways. Chheng Sovannda also says the municipal administration has requested the construction of a new drainage system to ensure incidents like this are not repeated. Residents of Stung Veng Village, Stung Veng commune and Khemarak Phoumin have also requested that Koh Kong Governor, Mithona Phuthong and the Governor of Khemarak Phoumin Municipality send teams to inspect the current drainage system.
Elsewhere, in Koh Kong district, governor Chea Sovy says people living along the tributary of the Lower Tatai River had not yet been affected, because sluice gates at the nearby dam have been opened only slightly. Chea Chankanha, the governor of Sre Ambel district, which has also been affected by the heavy weather, says only two or three homes in Chroy Svay commune have had to be evacuated.